
“We should not fit our life to the demands of social conformity; we can’t find a model to live by from others, we can only find that within ourselves.”

“We do not think of the neurodiversity movement as one that seeks to integrate neurominority people into all the existing ways of living in the world as a human being.”

“There is a certain way of being human that is our way. We want to be free to live our life in our way, and not in imitation of other’s life.”


🌍 Make a Global Impact: Your donation transcends borders. With your help, we’re reaching neurominority communities in many countries around the world, making sure no one is left behind.

🧠 Empower Others: Your contribution directly empowers #neurominority individuals by providing access to resources, education, and opportunities that foster growth and self-confidence.

🤝 Inclusivity: We’re challenging societal norms and advocating for a more inclusive world. Your donation fuels campaigns that break down barriers and amplify the voices of those who have been unheard of for too long.

💡Release Innovation: Your support drives innovative initiatives that raise awareness, promote understanding, and cultivate a world where neurodiversity is celebrated as an essential and natural human experience!

How you can make a difference?

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🌈 Make a One-Time Donation: A single donation can create ripples of change. Contribute what you can, and be part of a movement pushing the boundaries of equality and human rights.

🌟 Support ION through monthly giving: By becoming a monthly donor, you provide consistent support that fuels our ongoing efforts to create lasting impact.

🎗️ Spread the Word: Share our cause with friends, family, and colleagues. Your voice helps us reach more people passionate about neurodiversity and equality.

🙌 Volunteer: your Time is a valuable asset. Join our volunteer team to actively contribute to events, campaigns, and initiatives that make a real difference.

Ready to make history

Join hands with ION to build a future where neurodiversity is embraced and celebrated. Your donation is an investment in a brighter, more inclusive world. Together, we’re rewriting the narrative for #neurominorities, and your support can shape tomorrow.

👉 Donate today by clicking the button below and be the change our world needs. Thank you for standing with ION and the neurominority community! 🌈🤝

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Other Donation

*By completing this form, you agree to be contacted by the Institute of Neurodiversity global office and the local office for your country. We will aim to keep your data safe and secure by processing your information to meet the latest data protection regulation. We will not pass on your details to any third parties without your permission. You will be able to change your mind at anytime by contacting us at

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